Thursday, September 13, 2012

Giddy Helmet Construction

 Top view~
Perspective view~


Today I worked on putting together this motorcycle helmet. So far, I don't enjoy working with polygons as much as I do NURBs, but the helmet is happening (albeit extremely slowly.) In the top view, you can see the helmet. I was working on snapping the edge loops to grid lines. For reasons unfathomable, I was unable to snap a loop, and just had to move individual edges. Oh well. Work went really slowly today! I was just giddy, extremely, extremely giddy. I was rocking in my seat, felt tense and like jumping and dancing... and, gee... not the best way to work! I'm now listening to some peaceful classical music, and that has calmed me down slightly... but as soon as I'm out of this classroom...



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