Friday, September 28, 2012

Helmety Helmety Helmet

And the helmet continues! This work is actually kind of satisfying, now that it goes easier for me, and now that I deviate from the tutorials as necessary to make it look satisfying to me. It's strange though, I aligned the grills with those in the picture, but I don't know that I like how it looks... maybe they should be higher. They don't align completely though, the edges aren't placed in a way that they would, so maybe that's why. Anyways, when I get to the end, I'll be able to modify it some to make it attractive and to my liking. Things are going faster for me, but I get the sense that I'm being a little more OCD than the people working around me. Go figure. That's how art(ish) classes work for me.

 Tappa tappa tappa tapppa. I like the tappy clicky keyboard very much, so I'm trying to think of more things to write. Tappa tappa tappa tappa tappa...

Typing is fun with a noisy keyboard!

-Yume- Digital and Traditional Artist, Novice 3D Modeler, and Lover of Clicky Keys... clicky clicky clicky

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Today I got much further on the helmet. It's easier the second time around, and I'm more patient. Isn't that the way it always goes, though? I'm currently in the process of creating the mouth guard by process of extrusion. For some reason the marking menu with rotation, thickness, etc. options doesn't come up when I click extrude, so I've made it by thus far, but on the next extrusion, I'll need it. I'll ask Cornell about it next class.

I was a rabbit today. I ate a red bell pepper, because I was hungry. I wasn't satisfied, so I ate a bag of carrots. And still hungry, I consumed an apple. I'm still hungry. -.-;;

-All the best,

Yume- Otaku girl, blogger, digital artist, and human rabbit

Monday, September 24, 2012

Helmet- Restart


Today I restarted on the helmet. Honestly, I didn't want to go back to the old file. I was too frustrated with it. I just started over, but thankfully, it's going more smoothly this time. There was bad energy associated with that last helmet, I'm sure. So, thus far, I have a cube to look at. It will become a helmet eventually, but for now, it's a lovely cube.

I had an interesting discussion about ... tappatappatappa tappa... I love the sound of this keyboard ^.^ tappa tappa tapp. An interesting discussion about blog traffic today. Let's see if I can get this one to get more. Probably not, but I'll play around with the writing some.

- Yume

Salt Shaker Shaker Shaker- Finished


And I sit here... pondering... MnM's? Or no MnM's? I really want those MnM's... but I really really don't. Gah. I'm too young to be having these sorts of dilemmas. Regardless, this salt shaker is finished. I couldn't figure out how to hide the curves, though, so they're displayed in all their glory. Frankly, I wouldn't want to buy a salt shaker designed like the one we had to make. It's tacky. For shame.

Cornell? The Digital Evolutions blog needs updating. Misused commas everywhere, outdated pictures... unattractive graphic design... not that I said that... moving on :D

Here is the lovely salt shaker shaker.

-Yume- Digital Artist, Aspiring 3D Modeler, Student, Otaku Girl, and Adorer of Smoothies (and peanut mnm's)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Growl Snarl Snarl...

Grrr >.>

You see the blue shape? I was modifying the vertices when I noticed that I should have a few more. As in it should extend downward on the right side by two more grid squares. Darnit. Bllrgh. I'm not sure if there's an easy way to fix this. I'll ask Cornell. If not, I'm starting over!! Joy oh joy :3 I'm having a lovely day!


- Yume

The Most Useless Day Ever


I spent today growling menacingly at my screen.

The screen didn't seem particularly intimidated.

So then I looked at the computer next to me, envying the fancy software I was not yet allowed to use.

And I returned to growling at my screen.


(Today, I had to move data from one computer to another. I'm clearly not efficient at this. But hey, maybe I'll be more computer literate after all the newbie-ish mistakes I made. Yay me!! And also, I guess I have the benefit of not having to do this next class period.)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Giddy Helmet Construction

 Top view~
Perspective view~


Today I worked on putting together this motorcycle helmet. So far, I don't enjoy working with polygons as much as I do NURBs, but the helmet is happening (albeit extremely slowly.) In the top view, you can see the helmet. I was working on snapping the edge loops to grid lines. For reasons unfathomable, I was unable to snap a loop, and just had to move individual edges. Oh well. Work went really slowly today! I was just giddy, extremely, extremely giddy. I was rocking in my seat, felt tense and like jumping and dancing... and, gee... not the best way to work! I'm now listening to some peaceful classical music, and that has calmed me down slightly... but as soon as I'm out of this classroom...



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Birth of Elderly Egghead (Complete)

In the beginning... there was a NURB...
All right. Here is the finished Egghead. He was much easier to work with this time than last. I'm not sure if I should have made  him as bony as I did. But I assure you, it's not because I didn't know better, I just like interesting, expressive faces. Maybe it's not my duty to create and deviate when following tutorials... but I like to ^.^''. Thoughts?

The Good, The Bad, and the Elderly

As you can see, I've got an elderly eggehead in progress. He has prominent eyebrows, a wrinkled face, and deep eye sockets. I can't decide, though, whether I like him smoother, as in top version, or whether I prefer his eye sockets deeper, as with the lower picture. None the less, I'm wasting my time adding all sorts of lovely and expressive features, such as cheekbones and dimples, etc. Maybe I should move on...

Egg Cup- Complete!


I have completed the mighty egg cup. I decided to shade it with a different color, and use Blinn rather than lambert, because I wanted it to be a lovely egg cup. As a result, it now looks like it could also be a goblet, but no matter. More pretty things to go with the sacrafices in my temple. I didn't particularly like the process of pulling and adjusting the curve after revolving it. It's too easy for things to become crooked. None the less, I managed. do you see the dotted line on the far side of the cup? It's the curve. I'm not sure why it's still showing up. Oh well.

Now to recreate that egg head!

- Yume

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Finished Temple to Yume's Greatness

Bow down. Oh, and sacrafice plenty of gifts while you're at it!
Yume enjoys cupcakes and macaroons in particular.
Update: If you'd like, you can also sacrafice eggheads and egg cups. I've been at a loss for those as of late...

Egghead with a Duckface


Today I worked on this egghead here. I had particular trouble with his lips. At one point he had a cat face, which, when I tried to pull into lips, turned into a duck face! However, now I'm relatively satisfied with the lips. If I can smooth them, and smoothe the strange lumps on the right side of his face, I'll consider it finished. It's unfortunate. I was pretty far along on it, but I had to restart today because the file when opened, contained no egg. I gave him cheekbones! I'm pretty proud of those.

Update: The egghead died a terrible death at the hands of Maya, which chose to close before I had finished saving.Orz
*dies alone in a corner*

Ohh, and to add to my joy, I have been unable to find my lovely elegant egg cup! I'll be recreating that as well for your viewing pleasure.

- Yume

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hello World~

Hey everyone!

This blog exists for the purpose of sharing my work done in Maya, a 3D Graphics and animation software. I will be updating this over the course of an intro to 3D class I'm enrolled in.

Enjoy the process!~


Yume, Digital Artist, Soon to be 3D Modeler and Animator, Cosplayer, and Otaku Girl