Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Beginning to Light

Look at it! Isn't she beautiful?

Now I need to go about balancing out the lighting. I'd like a bit more light in the top right corner. Also, I need to figure out how to turn off lights, so that I can work on individual lights, and make them work well. I still haven't really figured out the lighting tools, other than that penumbra angle seems to make the light glow out further. Oh! It adds an edge to the light that's soft. Okay, one tool defined.

Meanwhile, I've been looking around on deviantArt to see how people have used Mudbox. One person said that it doesn't compare to ZBrush whatsoever in terms of ability to handle polygon capacity. People are making pretty interesting things in Mudbox though, and doing anatomy studies. Me? I haven't figured out how not to pick up a sharp ridge ^^;;

Genki de!


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